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Refer N Earn provides an opportunity of refer and earn . Any user who is an approved user can avail this facilty.

1. Each user has a unique refer code which can be acquired on referral earning tab on the shop page . Here they can copy the referral code.

2. The user can provide this code to their friends , colleagues , family and any user related to Gem and Jewelley Industry.

3. The user who has the referral code has to sign up and put this code in their registration details .

4. The user that referred will start earning on each successful transaction on both their sales and purchases. 

5. The users will currently earn 5% of the total fee that is charged by the Johri Bazar on each transaction either sales or purchase.

6. The earnings are limited to 50 transactions of each user that is referred.

7. The users can see there earning details through referral earnings tab on the shop page .

8. The user can mange and withdraw their earnings in the wallet tab on the shop page.

Note* :- Any person can sign up on the portal and can start earning .